White House and Other Schedules for Wednesday, Oct 18

WASHINGTON (MaceNews) – The following are Wednesday’s schedules for the White House, Treasury, USTR, the State Department and Capitol Hill as well as U.S. economic data and Federal Reserve events:


Wednesday, October 18, 2022

The President will arrive in Israel. The arrival in Israel will be covered by the out-of-town pool.
Later, the President will depart Israel en route to Joint Base Andrews. The departure from Israel will be covered by the out-of-town pool and the arrival at Joint Base Andrews will be covered by the out-of-town pool. The departure from Joint Base Andrews and the arrival to the South Grounds will be covered by the in-town travel pool.

Out-of-Town Pool
Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg 
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP, NYT
TV Corr & Crew: CNN
Print: New York Times
Radio: NPR
In-Town Pool
Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP, NYT
TV Corr & Crew: FOX
Print: Boston Globe
Radio: ABC


THE PRESIDENT arrives in Israel
                                  Out-of-Town Pool

THE PRESIDENT departs Israel en route to Joint Base Andrews
                                  Out-of-Town Pool
THE PRESIDENT arrives at Joint Base Andrews
                                   Joint Base Andrews
                                   Out-of-Town Pool  
THE PRESIDENT arrives at the White House
                                   South Grounds  
                                   In-Town Travel Pool

(The transcript of the press gaggle en route to Israel is at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2023/10/17/press-gaggle-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-and-nsc-coordinator-for-strategic-communications-john-kirby-en-route-tel-aviv-israel/)


Wednesday –   Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen has no public engagements.


Wednesday –    Secretary Blinken is in Israel with Pres Biden.. Press birefings, when held on weekdays, occur around 1:15p ET livesteamed at state.gov.


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Ambassador Katherine Tai will participate in a virtual fireside chat as part of Ohio State University’s Global Supply Chain Forum. Registration information can be found here


Wednesday – Full House second round of voting on the next Speaker at 11a ET..


Wednesday – 10:30 a.m.: Convene and begin consideration of S.J.Res.32, A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B).


Wednesday, Oct 18 – 7a ET US MBA mortgage applications

Wednesday, Oct 18 – 8:30a ET US housing starts

Wednesday, Oct 18 – 10:30a ET US EIA oil stocks

Wednesday, Oct 18 – 12:00 ET Fed’s Waller at European Economics & Financial Center, London

Wednesday, Oct 18 – 12:30 ET Fed’s Williams to speak at Queens College, NY

Wednesday, Oct 18 – 13:00 ET Fed’s Bowman opening rmarks

Wednesday, Oct 18 – 13:00 ET Richmond Fed’s Barkin at ‘Fed Listens’ event

Wednesday, Oct 18 – 14:00 ET Fed beige book

Wednesday, Oct 18 – 15:15 ET Philly Fed’s Harker speaks on labor mkt

Wednesday, Oct 18 – 16:00 ET US Treasury TICS report

Wednesday, Oct 18 – 16:00 ET US API weekly oil stocks

Wednesday, Oct  18 – 18:55 ET Fed’s Cook speaks

Wednesday, Oct 18 – 19:50 ET Japan merchandise trade

Thursday, Oct 19 – 8:30a ET US initial claims for jobless benefits

Thursday, Oct 19 – 8:30a ET US Philadelphia Fed manufacturing index

Thursday, Oct 19 – 10a ET US existing home sales

Thursday, Oct 19 – 10:30a ET US EIA natural gas in storage

Thursday, Oct 19 – 10a ET US leading indicators

Thursday, Oct  19 – 12:00 ET Fed’s Powell at Econ Club of NY

Thursday, Oct  19 – 12:00 ET US Freddie Mac weekly mortgage rates

Thursday, Oct  19 – 13:20 ET Fed’s Goolsbee at Wisconsin manufacturing business day

Thursday, Oct  19 – 13:30 ET Fed’s Barr at Boston Fed on stress testing

Thursday, Oct 19 – 16:30 ET US Federal Reserve balance sheet

Thursday, Oct  19 – 17:30 ET Fed’s Harker at Phila. Financial Analyst Society

Thursday, Oct  19 – 19:30 ET Japan CPI

Friday, Oct 20 – 8:30a ET Canada retail sales

Friday, Oct 20 – 9a ET Fed’s Harker at Risk Management Assoc.

Friday, Oct 20 – 12:15 ET Fed’s Mester at Shadow Open Market Committee

Friday, Oct 20 – 13:00 ET – US Baker Hughes weekly oil rig count

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