White House and Other Schedules for Wednesday, July 19

WASHINGTON (MaceNews) – The following are Wednesday’s schedules for the White House, Treasury, USTR, the State Department and Capitol Hill as well as U.S. economic data and Federal Reserve events:


In the morning, the President will receive the President’s Daily Brief. The Vice President will attend. This meeting in the Oval Office will be closed press.
In the afternoon, the President will convene a meeting of his Competition Council to announce new actions by his Administration to increase competition in the American economy, lower prices for consumers, and help entrepreneurs and small businesses thrive—a key pillar of Bidenomics. The Council will mark its two-year anniversary and fifth meeting since the President established it in his Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy. This meeting in the State Dining Room will have an in-house pool spray at the top.
In the evening, the President and the First Lady will host the White House Congressional Picnic on the South Lawn. The Vice President will attend. This event on the South Lawn will be open press.  [RSVP here by 9:00 AM]

In-Town Pool
Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP, NYT
TV Corr & Crew: CNN
Print: Dallas Morning News
Radio: VOA


10:00 AM          In-Town Pool Call Time
12:15 PM            THE PRESIDENT receives the Presidential Daily Briefing; THE VICE PRESIDENT attends
                                Oval Office 
                                Closed Press     

3:00 PM             THE PRESIDENT convenes a meeting of his Competition Council to announce new actions by his Administration to increase competition in the American economy, lower prices for consumers, and help entrepreneurs and small businesses thrive—a key pillar of Bidenomics  
                                State Dining Room
                                In-House Pool Spray (Gather 2:40 PM – Palm Room Doors)

6:00 PM             THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY host the White House Congressional Picnic; THE VICE PRESIDENT attends
                                South Lawn
                                Open Press
(Pre-set 3:30 PM, Gather 5:45 PM – Palm Room Doors)  [RSVP here by 9:00 AM]

Briefing Schedule


1:00 PM             Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. The transcript ofTuesday’s briefing is at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2023/07/18/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-42/

Thursday, July 20, 2023
The President will travel to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The President will discuss how his Bidenomics agenda is growing the economy from the middle out and the bottom up.



Wednesday ‘  Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen will meet with advisors ahead of engagements in Hanoi, Vietnam. 


Wednesday – –Departmental news briefings when  held on weekdays are around 1:15p ET and livestreamed on the state.gov site. /. The transcript of Tuesday’s 1:23p ET briefing is at: https://www.state.gov/briefings/department-press-briefing-july-18-2023/


Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Ambassador Tai will be in Nairobi, Kenya.
Ambassador Tai will meet with Kenya’s President, William Ruto. This meeting is closed press.
Ambassador Tai will attend a lunch with Kenyan civil society leaders to discuss how local leaders can help support the bilateral economic and trade relationship. This event is closed press.
Ambassador Tai will host a roundtable discussion with local Nairobi businesses to learn more about how the U.S.-Kenyan bilateral trade relationship can facilitate increased investment and economic growth in both countries. This event is closed press.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Ambassador Tai will be in Brussels, Belgium.
Ambassador Tai will meet with European Commission Executive Vice President, Valdis Dombrovskis. This meeting is closed press.
Friday, July 21, 2023
Ambassador Tai will be in Brussels, Belgium.


Wednesday –  Back at 9a ET


Wednesday – 9:45 a.m.: Convene and resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S.2226, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024.


Wednesday, July 19 – 7a ET US MBA weekly mortgage applications

Wednesday, July 19 – 8:30a ET US housing starts/permits (prev 1.450/1.495 mln)


Wednesday, July 19 – 19:50 ET Japa June trade


Thursday, July 20 – 8:30a ET US weekly initial jobless benefit claims

Thursday, July 20 – 8:30a ET US Philadelphia Fed manu. index (prev -13.7)

Thursday, July 20 – 10a ET US existing home sales (prev 4.30 mln)

Thursday, July 20 – 10a ET US leading index (prev -0.7%)

Thursday, July 20 – 10:30a ET US EIA Natural Gas Report

Thursday, July 20 – 16:30 ET US Fed balance sheet


Thursday, June 19 – 19:30 ET Japan June CPI

Friday, July 21 – 8:30a ET Canada retail sales (prev -1.1%)

Friday, July 21 – 13:00 ET Baker Hughes rig count

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