White House and Other Schedules for Monday, July 31

WASHINGTON (MaceNews) – The following are Monday’s schedules for the White House, Treasury, USTR, the State Department and Capitol Hill as well as U.S. economic data and Federal Reserve events: DAILY GUIDANCE AND PRESS SCHEDULEFOR MONDAY, JULY 31, 2023  The President has no public events scheduled. Out-of-Town Pool Wires: AP, Reuters, BloombergWire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP, […]

Japan June Retail Sales Y/Y Rise Continue to Be Led by Autos amid Improved Supply Chains, Recovering Department Stores    

–METI Keeps View: Retail Sales on Gradual Uptrend –Demand for Cosmetics, Drugs Remains Solid; Sales of Appliances Stay Sluggish   By Max Sato (MaceNews) – Japanese retail sales posted their 16th straight year-over-year increase in June, thanks to strong demand for automobiles amid improving supply chains, recovering department stores and higher prices for food and beverages, […]

White House and Other Schedules for Friday, July 28

WASHINGTON (MaceNews) – The following are Friday’s schedules for the White House, Treasury, USTR, the State Department and Capitol Hill as well as U.S. economic data and Federal Reserve events: DAILY GUIDANCE AND PRESS SCHEDULE FOR FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2023   In the morning, the President will receive the President’s Daily Briefing. This meeting will be closed […]

White House and Other Schedules for Thursday, July 27

WASHINGTON (MaceNews) – The following are Thursday’s schedules for the White House, Treasury, USTR, the State Department and Capitol Hill as well as U.S. economic data and Federal Reserve events: DAILY GUIDANCE AND PRESS SCHEDULE FOR THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2023  In the morning, the President will receive the President’s Daily Brief. This meeting will be closed […]

TRANSCRIPT: Fed’s Powell Post-FOMC Meeting Q&A

WASHINGTON (MaceNews) – The transcript of Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s post-FOMC meeting press conference Wednesday follows: Since early last year the FOMC has significantly tightened the stance of monetary policy. Today we took another step by raising our policy interest rate a quarter percentage point. And we are continuing to reduce our securities holdings […]

FOMC Raises Fed Funds Rate Another Quarter Point as Expected; Repeats Previous Language

WASHINGTON (MaceNews)- The Federal Open Market Committee had no surprises to offer Wednesday, fulfilling expectations for another quarter point increase in the fed funds rate, to 5.25% to 5.50%, and using well-worn phraseology to remain committed to 2% inflation. The policy statement follows: Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has been expanding at a moderate […]

Japan Govt Keeps View on Moderate Economic Recovery Backed by Consumer Spending, Business Investment Amid Higher Wage Growth

By Max Sato (MaceNews) – Japan’s government Wednesday maintained its overall assessment, saying the economy is recovering moderately as substantial wage hikes and Covid-era excess savings are supporting consumer spending while improving supply chains are shoring up business confidence and investment, according to its monthly report released by the Cabinet Office. Japanese policymakers expect robust […]

White House and Other Schedules for Wednesday, July 26

WASHINGTON (MaceNews) – The following are Wednesday’s schedules for the White House, Treasury, USTR, the State Department and Capitol Hill as well as U.S. economic data and Federal Reserve events: DAILY GUIDANCE AND PRESS SCHEDULE FOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2023  In the morning, the President will receive the President’s Daily Brief. This meeting will be closed […]