Japan’s Government Keeps Economic Recovery Scenario, Warns of Downside Risks Arising from High Costs of Living, Trump Tariffs
By Max Sato (MaceNews) – Japan’s government maintained its cautiously optimistic assessment for the seventh straight month, saying the economy is expected to stay on a “modest recovery” track, but also warned about downside risks arising from high costs of living hurting consumption and the trade war launched by the Trump administration. In its monthly […]
Japan’s Government Keeps Economic Recovery Scenario Despite Headwinds of High Costs of Living, Trump Tariffs, Sluggish China Pickup
By Max Sato (MaceNews) – Japan’s government maintained its cautiously optimistic assessment for the sixth straight month, saying the economy is expected to stay on a “modest recovery” track, overcoming the lingering headwinds of high domestic costs of living, the risk of a global trade war initiated by the Trump administration and wobbly Chinese growth. […]
Japan’s Government Still Sees Modest Economic Recovery Despite Sluggish Consumption, Flat Real Wage Growth Amid Food-Led Inflation
By Max Sato (MaceNews) – Japan’s government maintained its overall assessment that the economy’s “modest recovery” is set to continue despite sluggish consumer spending and flat real wage growth amid high costs for food and other necessities. In its monthly report for December released Friday by the Cabinet Office, the government said the economy is […]
Japan Still Sees Modest Economic Recovery but Warns It Now Needs to Watch Future US Policy amid Headwinds of Inflation, Middle East Tensions, Weak Yen
By Max Sato (MaceNews) – Japan’s government maintained its overall assessment that the economy’s “modest recovery” is set to continue thanks to wage hikes amid widespread labor shortages, but urged a close watch on the future U.S. government policy as well as lingering high costs for necessities, geopolitical risks and the weak yen. In its […]
Japan Government Slightly Upgrades Its View on Economic Recovery after BOJ Conducts 2nd Rate Hike in July
By Max Sato (MaceNews) – Japan’s government upgraded its overall economic assessment for the first time in six months, noting consumer spending is supported by wage hikes and temporary income tax credits, but the change in wording is subtle and it continues to say the economy is recovering “moderately.” In its monthly report for August […]
Bank of Japan Hikes Overnight Rate Target to 0.25% from Range of 0% to 0.1% in 7 to 2 Vote
–BOJ Releases Specific Plans to Trim its Monthly JGB Purchases to Y3 Trillion from Y6 Trillion by end of Q1 2026–BOJ Governor Ueda: Raised Rates Because Economy, Prices Have Been on Track–Ueda: Weak Yen Impact on Prices ‘Not Necessarily Biggest Reason’ for Rate Hike By Max Sato (MaceNews) – The Bank of Japan said Wednesday […]
Japan Government Keeps Its View on Economic Recovery amid Wage Hikes, Warns of Drag from High US, European Rates, China’s Real-Estate Woes
By Max Sato (MaceNews) – Japan’s government maintained its overall assessment that the economy is recovering “moderately” and is likely to stay on course as many firms are raising wages at a higher pace to secure workers and although exports are now largely flat. In its monthly report released Thursday by the Cabinet Office, the […]
Ex-BOJ’s Momma Sees BOJ Cautious About Rate Hike Timing amid Slow Services Price Rise; Not in Position to Act on Weak Yen

–Momma Expects BOJ Rate Hikes in September, January but Warns of Economic Uncertainty–Momma Estimates BOJ’s Own Measure of Underlying Inflation at 1.5%, Still Below 2% Target–Momma: Central Banks Alone Cannot Anchor Inflation; Need Fiscal, Tax Policy Backup for Wealth Redistribution By Max Sato TOKYO (MaceNews) – The Bank of Japan will remain cautious about following […]
Japan Government Keeps Its View on Economic Recovery, Upgrades Global Economy but Warns of Impact of High Interest Rates in US, Europe
Japanese cabinet warns on impact of possible overseas slowdown
White House and Other Schedules for Tuesday, May 14
WASHINGTON (MaceNews) – The following are Tuesday’s schedules for the White House, Treasury, USTR, the State Department and Capitol Hill as well as U.S. economic data and Federal Reserve events: DAILY GUIDANCE AND PRESS SCHEDULE FOR TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024 In the morning, the President will receive the President’s Daily Brief. This meeting will be closed press. In […]