WASHINGTON (MaceNews) – The following is Tuesday’s status check of developments in the U.S. that can influence economic, health and political outcomes.

  • The consensus of reaction seemed to be nobody won, and America lost. If you missed the 51 debate tweets on @macenewsmacro, here’s an excerpted selection that imparts the flavor of Tuesday night’s memorable presidential debate:

Debate: Here goes. Trump gets 1st q, says of SCOTUS nomination, “We won the election. Elections have consequences.” Nominee perfect in every way.

Debate: Biden says American people have a right to have a say in choice of Supreme Court nominee. “We should wait.” It’s the only way people have a right to express their view. Trump wants to strip 20 mln people from their Obamacare.

Debate: Biden says if ACA struck down, preexisting conditions mandate to disappear. Should wait until February. Trump responds, RBG once said president’s elected for four years.

Debate: Trump says Biden wants socialist type govt. Biden says not true, want to expand Obamacare. People will have private medical care. Trump interjects, Biden keeps going. 200 mln may have preexisting conditions.

Debate: Biden says president opposes Roe vs Wade. Trump interjects, “You don’t know her view on Roe,” referring to Barrett.

Debate: Trump talks over moderator Wallace who interrupts. “I’m the moderator of this debate.” Asks where is health care plan. Trump says, “I guess I’m debating you,” not Biden. Says cutting drug prices, including for insulin.

Debate: Trump interrupts Biden, says got “very lucky” by winning nomination. Trump interrupting. Moderator tells Trump to let Biden speak. Biden continues, “He is not for helping people” get health care. “He want to take away Obamacare. Trump keeps interrupting.

Debate: Moderator again tells Trump to let Biden speak. “He does not have a plan … . This man doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Biden says everyone needs to vote. Trump says why not answering question on filibuster.

Debate: After Biden tells Trump to “shut up,” moderator moves to pandemic. Biden says 200,000 dead, with 4% of population, a quarter of world deaths. Says Trump said, “It is what it is.” President has no plan. Knew in Feb was deadly.

Debate: Biden says Trump complimented China’s Xi, still doesn’t have a plan, while says a Biden plan was presented earlier. “You should get out of your sand trap,” pass pandemic relief.

Debate: Trump repeats pandemic was “China’s fault.” Says you don’t know how many died in China, India. Biden chuckles when Trump says governors said did a “phenomenal jobs.” Weeks away from a vaccine.

Debate: Trump says, “You don’t have it in your blood,” to do a good job on virus. Biden recounts people died. Trump interrupts, says Biden would have lost far more people. Biden says no one trusts Trump on vaccine. Trump says, “You don’t trust J&J, Pfizer?

Debate: Trump says disagrees with CDC’s Redfield, and Warp Speed chief, saying ready to distribute vaccine right away. A Biden brings up “bleach,” Trump says he was being “sarcastic.”

Debate: Biden says Trump will try to muzzle scientists. Trump interrupts, “They will have the vaccine very soon.” Biden asks why believe Trump after “all the lies” he’s told. Biden says, “A lot more people will die” believing Trump.

Debate: Trump tells Biden, “Don’t ever use ‘smart’ with me.” Can’t remember college graduated from. Biden says, “Will he just shush for a moment.” Trump sits on his golf course. Trump says, “He wants to shut down this country.”

Debate: Trump repeats old people with preexisting conditions vulnerable, young people “aren’t.” Answers think masks are OK, shows one he’s carrying. “I wear a mask when needed.” Says Biden wears a mask all the time, w/”The biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

Debate: Biden says masks are the answer. Trump says some say masks not so good. Trump interjects, “Nobody shows up” at Biden rallies. Says have 35K people and so far have “had no problem whatsoever” with virus, because hold outside.

Debate: Biden says Trump “totally irresponsible” in way handled social distancing, masks. He’s “a fool.” Trump asked re V-shaped recov. “Built greatest economy in history.” 2 mln people “would be dead now” if hadn’t blocked China entrants. “He will destroy this country.”

Debate: Trump repeats closing down economy causes divorce, mental problems. Biden says billionaires “have done very well” because of Trump tax cuts. In working class towns, “How are you doing.” Brings up paid no inc taxes. Trump to leave office w/fewer jobs.

Debate: Biden says schools not given enough aid to protect against virus. Trump says “so sad” what’s happened in NY, like a “ghost town.” Brought back Big 10 football.

Debate: Trump, asks re taxes, “I paid millions of dollars in income taxes.” Paid $38 mln one year. Biden interjects, “Show us your tax returns.” Moderator asks for answer to how much paid. “Millions of dollars,” not just $750.

Debate: Trump said Biden passed tax law which gave him ability to cut taxes. Biden says Trump paid less than a school teacher. “Going to eliminate Trump tax cuts.” Trump interjects, Biden interrupts, “You’re the worst president.”

Debate: Biden, asked about intended tax increases, says Wall St analysts says plan would create 7 mln more jobs than Trump would. Will make corp tax 28%. 98 firms don’t pay any tax. Trump interjects, “I got it done.” Created jobs.

Debate: Trump said Obama had “slowest recovery” when asked how Obama admin created more jobs in first 3 yrs. If raise taxes, half of the companies will leave and “have the worst Depression.”

Debate: Biden said under Trump manufacturing went into the hole. Biden interjects, “I’m the guy who brought back manufacturing.” Says, “He blew it.” Trump “has done very little.” On trade, have higher China trade deficit than when Trump came in.

Debate: Trump says Hunter got $3.5 mln from wife of mayor of Moscow. Biden said charge “totally discredited.” Son “did nothing wrong.” Trump doesn’t “want me to answer because he knows I’ve got the truth.” Trump keeps interjecting.

Debate: Despite moderator cautioning, Trump keeps interrupting Biden, talking over Biden. Trump keeps talking, moderator says “No,” have to stop talking. Says going to next segment. Country better served if less interrupting.

Debate: On race, Biden says about equity, equality, the Constitution. Never “walked away from” issue “like he (Trump) has done. Brings up “very find people on both sides.” After Floyd killed, Trump tear gassed crowd to cross street with bible.

Debate: Biden says Trump uses “dog whistle” to foment racial divisions. “This man is the savior of African-Americans?” What he did has been “disastrous.”

Debate: Trump says Biden passed ’94 law that was directed at whom Biden called “superpredators.” They haven’t forgotten. Got endorsements from generals. Biden has no law enforcement backers.

Debate: Trump says Biden doesn’t believe in law and order. “You’re afraid to even say it.” Biden, asked about unequal justice, says yes. Vast majority of police officers good people but some bad apples. Have to be held accountable. To “work this out.”

Debate: Biden says to convene BLM along with police. Trump interjects, but silenced by moderator. Asked re ending racial sensitivity training, “Ended it because it was racist” and fomented “radical” and “sick” ideas, teaching Americans to “hate our country.”

Debate: Biden says people need to “be made aware” how other people feel. “This guy and his friends” look down on people without money, of different faith. “We can defeat racism.” Trump said during Obama admin, was a lot of hatred.

Debate: Trump keeps asking, “are you in favor of law and order.” Asked about violence in Republican-led cities, Trump says most violence in Dem-led cities. Under Biden “suburbs would be gone.” Biden says Trump wouldn’t know a suburb unless he took a wrong turn.”

Debate: Biden said crime went down under Obama. Trump interrupts, asks name one law enforcement group who supports you. Moderator moves on to protests. Biden says hasn’t called mayors, govs to quell violence because not in office.

Debate: Trump talks over Biden. Biden said Kellyanne Conway said violence helps Trump, which is why he “pours gasoline on the fire.” Trump keeps interrupting, “Send in the national guard and it will be over.”

Debate: Trump says willing to call out white supremacists. But “this is a left-wing problem.” Trump said FBI wrong saying antifa an idea, not an organization. Trump repeats left-wingers big violence instigators.

Debate: Trump said never been an administration that “has done what I’ve done.” Unity “was going to happen.” Building up economy, rebuilt military, rebuilt VA which was a mess under Biden.

Debate: Trump says will have 300 judges appointed and Obama left 128 judicial openings, and will have hopefully 3 Supreme Court justices.

Debate: Trump is leaving country “sicker” and more divided. “He’s Putin’s puppet.” Moderator chastises Trump for interrupting, not sticking to agreed-upon debate rules. Biden continues, “Nation can’t stay divided.” Says called military losers and suckers.

Debate: Biden says son in military wasn’t loser, sucker. Trump interrupts again, asks again about Hunter. Biden says charges not true. Moderator chastises Trump again for not adhering to rules.

Debate: Trump says “doing phenomenally” on climate while businesses are doing well. Need forest management to prevent wildfires. Think to some extent climate contributing but if had “good forest management” wouldn’t have fires.

Debate: Trump said relaxed Obama climate laws, clean power plants etc because ruining economy. Cars too expensive because of all anti-pollution add-ons.

Debate: Biden says Trump “absolutely wrong” and brought down renewable energy to as cheap as oil and gas. Nobody is going to build coal plants anymore. Building charging stations, have weatherized buildings. “So many things can do now” to create thousands of jobs.

Debate: Biden says will rejoin intl climate pact. Trump wants to make sure can emit more methane, wants to cut mileage standards. Trump interjects New Green Deal will cost $100 trillion. Biden says green initiatives will create thousands of jobs.

Debate: Biden says US is 15% of world population. Trump interjects, asks why didn’t fight China pollution. Trump talks over Biden, denies insulting military. Biden says don’t support Green New Deal, supports Biden plan.

Debate: On election security, Biden says vote. Mail-in ballots not a source of fraud. To make sure everyone can vote. Trump trying to “scare people into thinking it’s not going to be legitimate.” Biden says vote whatever way is best. “He cannot stop you.”

Debate: Biden says vote or will have “four more years of these lies.” Trump says “crooked Hillary” started “day I won” and spied on campaign. As far as ballots concerned, “It’s a disaster.” Unsolicited ballots are fraud “like you’ve never seen.”

Debate: Trump repeats mail-in ballots and extended counting “is a rigged election.” Am counting on Supreme Court “to look at the ballots.” Biden interjects, “There is no evidence” of mail-in fraud. Trump afraid of counting votes. Trump interjects, “He’s wrong.”

Debate: Final question, if delay in vote counts, will you urge supporters not to engage in civil unrest. Trump said urging supporters to “watch very carefully.” Bad things happening. Hope for fair election. If manipulation, “can’t go along with that.”

Debate: Biden says military voting by mail since Civil War. Not fraudulent. Trump interjects, Biden says, “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about it.” If ballots counted, “that will be the end of it.” To be pres for Dems and Repubs. Moderator ends debate.

CNN’s Jake Tapper says debate was worst he’s ever seen, mostly because of Trump. “American people lost tonight.” Fox’s Brit Hume says Trump demonstrated most force of personality, but that might not have been appreciated by audience. Biden “competent.”

Fox’s Dana Perino said doesn’t think debates changed any minds. Fox’s Karl Rove said “not edifying.” CNN’sAnderson Cooper, don’t think every seen a “shameless” president. “Not a moral fiber in this man.”

On CNN Republican Rick Santorum says “president overplayed his hand.” Says “he came out way too hot.” Gloria Borger said took “presidency to a new low … almost monstrous.” Fox’s Dem Donna Brazile, “hectic debate” and moderator should have “taken command.”

MSNBC’s Joy Reid says president “has left the planet.” Was “humiliating for this country.” Rachel Maddow says “part of civic process that was just undone.” Fox’s Brett Baier recalls, remember when George Bush would look at his watch, sigh?” Not what happened tonight.

Fox’s Sean Hannity, Biden “was steamrolled by President Trump.” Says Biden refused to answer if he would pack Supreme Court. CNN fact checker Daniel Dale says mfg jobs were actually lost under Trump.

More debate react: CNN’s instant poll of debate watchers, a group in which Dems outnumbered Repubs 39% to 28%, the poll showed 60% said Biden won, 28% said Trump won. Anchor Jake Tapper said he did not think Biden won so much as Trump lost.

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